Tuesday 22 April 2014

An Analysis of A Winning Sales Letter


An Analysis of A Winning Sales Letter
By Yanik Silver


Many people say they can spot a good letter when they see
it, but the problem is when it comes down to writing one,
they simply freeze up. That's why I want to take you behind
the scenes of a successful sales letter I wrote and
illustrate the thinking that goes into writing a killer
letter that generated a healthy 3810% ROI. This letter sold
all of the clients overstock merchandise and they even
created a waiting list.

You'll find my comments in the side notes below so let's
get started...

    Can You Get A New $8,000 Power Table For $417?

    ------Side Note Comments------
    First off, the headline is a grabber and makes people want
    to read more. Anyone interested in your product at a
    bargain price would certainly continue reading.
    ------End Comments------

    Read The Amazing Facts To Find Out How...

    ------Side Note Comments------
    Next, the subhead tells prospects that the answer is right
    inside this letter if they keep reading.
    ------End Comments------

    Dear Friend,

    Yes, it's absolutely true. You can really replace your old,
    worn-out exam table and only pay $417 out of your pocket
    (But only if you are one of the first 2 people to respond
    to this letter.) Let me explain.

    ------Side Note Comments------
    Your first sentence is absolutely critical to your letter.
    If your first sentence doesn't make people want to keep
    reading, you can expect your letter to end up in the
    circular file. So make sure it keeps their interest piqued
    and follow up on the headline promise in the first

    In the first sentence I reiterate the fact that yes they
    really can get a brand new power table for such a low
    price. The second sentence I throw in a little scarcity
    right at the beginning of the letter so they won't just
    toss this letter aside for further reading.
    ------End Comments------

    Last April, our little company took a big gamble and signed
    up for a power table promotion. In order to get on the
    promotion we had to agree to take 3 power tables — nearly
    $15,000. (And for a small company like us, that's a lot of
    money to be tied up in inventory).

    Only one of those 3 tables were sold - so there are still 2

    ------Side Note Comments------
    The next paragraph I begin to explain the story of why
    we're selling this product at such a bargain price. I've
    discovered that telling people the truth and giving a
    reason why is actually one of the most powerful
    psychological motivators to action.
    ------End Comments------

    And My Problem Is Your Opportunity

    ------Side Note Comments------
    This subhead turns the letter back around to what's in it
    for the reader. Everyone is always silently asking
    themselves "So what?" and "Who cares?". You've got to keep
    the focus on what the reader will gain from the letter.
    ------End Comments------

    In order to move these last 2 tables I've decided to do
    something somewhat bold and a little daring.

    First, you should know that the manufacturer's promotion of
    these power tables ends June 30th. And any unsold inventory
    I have could be sold to another dealer at wholesale.

    But instead of doing that, I would rather sell you the
    table at a wholesale price and gain your goodwill.

    ------Side Note Comments------
    Here I explain how and why I'm willing to make a
    sensational deal.
    ------End Comments------

    The regular price for a XXX power table is $8,000 but
    during this promotion they were on sale for $5,375 (which
    is a pretty good deal anyway).

    But until July 15th (I've extended the offer 2 weeks), you
    can buy one of our last 2 tables for just $4,897. That's a
    savings of over $3,100.00

    ------Side Note Comments------
    I introduce the special offer and the reason why we're
    selling the product at such a discount. That's a key point,
    because unless you give people a believable reason for the
    reduced price they won't believe you. Nobody thinks you're
    lowering the price because you're "such a nice guy" so let
    them in on the reason behind your offer.
    ------End Comments------

    What? I promised you could get a power table for only $417
    and here's how...

    ------Side Note Comments------
    I answer an anticipated objection here since I promised
    they could get the table for only $417.
    ------End Comments------

    Here's How To Get That New Power Table For Almost "Zip" By
    buying a power table, you can qualify for a 50% tax credit
    under section 44 of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
    That's right Fifty Percent! All because a power table will
    glide up and down to accommodate disabled and handicapped

    And here's what else. You can also take the amount of the
    power table and deduct it off your taxes using Section 179.
    (That is if you haven't spent over $18,000 on capital
    equipment this year.)

    That's not all, here are a few more incentives for you: We
    will give you a $150 trade-in for your old table (or you
    can donate it to charity for another tax break). And add an
    extra 2-year warranty ($1,000 value), plus, we'll pick-up
    your old table and deliver the new one all for free!

    Pretty good, right? Wait, I have even better news for

    ------Side Note Comments------
    Here I've explained each of the incentives and how they can
    really get the table for such a low cost. Plus added in a
    few extra bonuses and now I'll another bonus to really
    increase their desire.
    ------End Comments------

    You Can Pay In 3 Easy Installments With Zero Interest We'll
    break up your payments into 3 easy installments, spread
    thirty days apart.

    Why You Must Act Before July 15th First, I doubt if these
    tables will still be around until July 15th because the
    first 2 doctors that put their deposits down will take
    them. And when they're gone this offer expires.

    But even if they are still here (highly unlikely at this
    bargain price) this offer has to expire anyway because we
    will be shipping out these tables to other dealers in the

    ------Side Note Comments------
    I bring back the deadline here and scarcity again. So not
    only do they have a limit on the number of units available,
    but there is also a time deadline. This is a double whammy
    to get people to take action immediately.
    ------End Comments------

    Here's What You Should Do Now

    Pick up your phone and dial xxx-xxxx and reserve one of
    these last 2 tables with your credit card. Or in case,
    you're still undecided call us and ask for some more
    information to be faxed to you.

    Otherwise, you'll be giving up the ease and convenience of
    having a power table at this bargain price. I really hope
    you're one of the 2 lucky doctors who decide to take
    advantage of this golden opportunity.

    ------Side Note Comments------
    In this closing paragraph I give readers a little pain by
    mentioning what they'll be missing if they don't act on
    this offer.
    ------End Comments------


    P.S. Hurry! This letter is being sent to 1,283 local
    doctors and this offer is strictly limited to the first 2
    people who respond.

    ------Side Note Comments------
    The P.S. is your last place to help prospects make a buying
    decision. People go from the headline in a letter to the
    signature to the P.S., so your P.S. should be powerful.

    Here I introduce even more scarcity. I let them know
    exactly how many people (specifics sell) are receiving this
    letter and it makes the limited quantity seem even more
    limited since so many other people are getting this same
    ------End Comments------

I guarantee by using the same elements, I just illustrated,
you'll see your next sales letter produce incredible

Yanik Silver is recognized as the leading expert on impactful
entrepreneurship through business success, giving and lifestyle.

He is the author, co-author or creator of several best-selling marketing books and tools, including his simple fill-in-the-blank templates for any business:


Monday 21 April 2014

Sales Letter Secrets From The Man Who Sold Coal By The Train Carload


Sales Letter Secrets From The Man Who Sold
Coal By The Train Carload

By Yanik Silver


If you were to ask any of the top copywriting pros who
they've learned from — one name is sure to be repeated over
and over again -- Robert Collier.

In the 1930s, Robert Collier was able to sell just about
everything from train carloads of coal to men's clothing
simply by using the power of his pen. And right now I'm
going to share with you 2 of the most powerful letter
concepts he repeatedly used to sell millions!

One of Collier's most successful letters was his "will you
do me a favor?" letter. It was based on a story he read
about how a manager of a company asked a competing business
for a favor, which started a relationship that blossomed
into the two companies joining together.

Collier thought this same idea might work in print...and boy
did it ever!

Here's how he used this concept to sell 20,000 raincoats at
a time (and over a dozen other products). This letter is
really universal in its application, so study it carefully:

    Dear Customer, Will you do me a favor?

    For twelve years now, you know, we have been selling the
    famous "Keepdry" Coat direct to the consumer, at a savings
    of many dollars from the usual retail price.

    This year I want to vary our line a bit, so I have changed
    the fabric to one that looks like a smart topcoat -- but
    will still shed rain. And instead of the usual double-
    breasted raincoat model, I'm using a single-breasted topcoat
    model that appeals to men because it has style, and yet
    retains that loose, comfortable look of the well- tailored
    light overcoat.

    I believe that anyone who ever gets out in stormy or wet
    weather will like this "Any Weather" Coat better than any
    raincoat or topcoat he can buy, but you know how it is in
    merchandising -- you can never be sure of such things until
    after you have sunk a lot of money in them.

    Which brings me to the favor:

    I want to make sure of the demand -- or lack of demand --
    before we sink too much money in this new coat. So I've come
    to you as a customer of the house:

    Will you try out one of these new "Any Weather" Topcoats for
    me for a week -- WEAR IT -- see how it feels, how it looks,
    how it compares with topcoats you have bought at $25 or $30?
    Above all, how it keeps out wind and rain? And then write

    Letter goes on to explain features and
    benefits of the new coat with a special introductory price
    for customers only.

    Naturally, I am not making offers like this to everyone, so
    whether you accept it or not, I should feel obliged if you
    would return the card so as to insure against its falling
    into other hands.

    Naturally, too, your opinion will be of value to me only if
    I get it NOW -- before the Fall season has really opened --
    before we are definitely committed for any great quantity of
    these new all-weather coats.

    Won't you, therefore, fill in the three simple measurements
    on the card TONIGHT if you can, and mail it? On second
    thought, better mail it right away -- while you have it in
    your hand -- so there will be no chance of forgetting it.

You should notice the subtle psychology used here. People
love giving opinions and helping, so by asking, you make
people feel important.

Boardroom reports, one of the top direct marketing companies
in the country, (the people who write Bottom Line Business,
Bottom Line Personal, and Bottom Line Health) are using this
technique for two different offers (which means it's working
very well). Here's the opening to a recent letter I

    Our records show that you're one of our best customers, and
    that's why I'm writing.

    Frankly, I need you help.

    I'm asking you to take part in a little marketing trial I've
    put together. Our company has a lot riding on the outcome,
    so I'm really hoping you'll participate.

    If you do, I'll send you one of the most valuable gifts
    we've ever given away. It's our giant new, 51,000-word book,

    I'll explain our marketing trial in a moment...and why your
    "verdict" is so important to us. But first, let me tell you
    about the special free gift you'll receive just for taking

    Letter continues by explaining the free gift
    and goes on to explain how the fairest, most honest way to
    introduce new products is through sampling.

That's pretty powerful stuff, eh?

Moving on to the second letter opening Collier found to be
magical. Here are a few examples:

    "With your permission, I am going to send you FREE a new,
    self-filling black beauty fountain pen-pencil, with your
    name stamped upon it in 24 carat solid gold leaf."


    "With your permission I am going to make an analysis of the
    soil of your lawn to determine -- at my own risk and expense
    -- what elements are lacking in it, what you need for
    stronger, healthier, more closely grown turf."

These openings were used over and over again by Collier
because they worked. And they still work just as well today
-- here's how a recent mailing from Rodale press started
(mind you this is the control for the last 3 years -- not an
easy task when you mail millions):

    Hot new book reveals... The Astonishing Sex Secrets Of The
    Most Satisfied...Most Knowledgeable...And Most Respected
    Lovers in the World!

    Learn to enjoy the best sex of your life, at any age... with
    the amazing secrets and discoveries in this just- released
    "For Men Only" book that is dramatically changing men's (and
    women's) lives literally overnight...

    Dear Friend,

    With your permission (and with strict precautions for
    privacy), I am going to send you one of the most important
    and exciting books every released by an American publisher.

    ---Cut--- letter continues.
I guarantee by using the same elements, I just illustrated,
you'll see your next sales letter produce incredible

Yanik Silver is recognized as the leading expert on impactful
entrepreneurship through business success, giving and lifestyle.

He is the author, co-author or creator of several best-
selling marketing books and tools, including his
simple fill-in-the-blank templates for any business:

Click here for your Instant Sales Letter